Credit: The Problem We All Live With, 1964, Norman Rockwell

Our mission is to support and serve with organizations and people invested in building stronger and healthier families by creating spaces that educate and unify all cultures for a healthier more diverse future for our children and our children’s children.


Our members are purpose driven


Committed to the goals that we set


We prioritize and follow clear actionable steps.

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Our Call To Action

African Americans (black people) and their descendants have paid an exorbitantly high price for living in an unequal society in a number of reprehensible ways through the practice of forced labor, high incarceration rates, frequent under/unemployment, low educational expectation as well as redlining. And now, significant health care challenges are among the more salient forms of white on black discrimination. In the absence of sweeping governmental reforms that place human rights over property rights, African Americans must take greater ownership in their own health care by becoming better informed on effective ways to reduce stress — to the extent possible given the maintenance of systems of domination and oppression — to have an impact upon the quality of black life. Otherwise, these persistently elevated stress levels from chronic exposure to race-based discrimination have been shown to be physiologically and mentally bad for health and well-being, both at the individual and institutional levels of society. The result is epigenetic tags with harmful gene expressions.

We will continue to support, educate, and empower our community by providing resources in Health, Wealth, and Self-Esteem. Reminding not only the children of our community but ourselves that we are valued, lovable, necessary to this life, and of incomprehensible worth. Building the minds of our youth in order to strengthen our generation and the generations to come.

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